Membership is open to groups and individuals ( Membership Application Form ) and
schools ( School Membership Application Form
) with an interest in inter-faith
relations subject to the payment of an annual subscription fee and the approval of the
Board of Directors. If required, click for Standing Order Form
and/or Gift Aid Form
There are a number of benefits that can be derived from
School membership as listed below
> We do not promote any faith community whatsoever, but we do promote positive understanding of differing local faith communities.
Although many of us belong to a faith community our objective is to promote harmony and accord within the wider community about faith communities.
> Membership enhances your school’s role in community cohesion.
Participation in the visiting scheme helps children to understand differing aspects on faith issues and this can assist with the breaking down of barriers both inside your school and in the outside community helping to promote good positive community cohesion.
> We organise visits to places of worship for a nominal admin charge.
Contacting and booking visits to places of worship can be very frustrating and time consuming. For a nominal administration charge we absorb the stresses and strains of organising visits, releasing pressure on your teaching staff.
> Reduced charges for member schools.
Many schools have chosen to become members of Interfaith Wolverhampton and as such we have reduced charges. Non-member schools pay the going rate.
> In house presentations.
We can provide in-school faith presentations given by differing accredited faith people. These can be tailored to suit your school needs. Presentations are mostly based on local places of worship – local people in local settings.
> Certificate of membership.
Each member school gets an annual membership certificate.
> Interfaith Logo.
Member schools are allowed to utilise our skyline logo on their headed paper - this reflects an unbiased approach by your school towards any faith. (See logo on this page) .
> Regular Newsletters with updates on forthcoming Events and Activities.
> We are supported by SACRE.