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Dr Ambedkar Foundation - Buddha Vihara

Buddha Vihara

Statue of the Buddha


Dr Ambedkar, drafter of the Indian Constitution

Front of Shrine Room


Three monks with woman lay speaker


Young people act the Birth Story of the Buddha

Dr Ambedkar Memorial Committee: a Buddhist inspired revival moment in India, following the lifework of social reformer Dr B.R.Ambedkar (Law Minister in the 1948 Government, and drafter of the Indian Constitution). He converted to Buddhism not long before his death in 1956. Buddhist Practice in the Theravada tradition. Part of a wider international network.

May all beings be well and happy
Do what is right,
avoid evil,
purify the mind.

Liberty * Equality * Fraternity
Educate * Organize * Agitate (Ambedkar)
Non-violence * Simplicity * Truth (Buddhism)

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©2001 Wolverhampton Inter Faith Group
Last modified: June 09, 2001