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The Shepherd and his

Uncovering the
Elements for the
Holy Communion
this is my Body
broken for you


Hymn singing is central to our

Sharing the bread and
the wine

Welsh Church, St Mark's
Road, Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton.
This is the spiritual and cultural centre for
Welsh people living
in the Black Country, where Welsh services have been held for 143 years.
The first settlers came to work in Coal and Iron, followed later on
by workers on the Great Western Railway.
In the Twentieth Century, Welsh people came after the Strike of
1926 and the Depression in the South Wales Coalfield.
After the Second World War, there was a large influx of Teachers
from Wales.
Our young Minister Y Parchedig Robert Parry, and Congregation, extend
a warm Invitation to Welsh People to come and join us.

Duw Cariad Yw - God
is Love
Gras ein harglwydd Jesu
The grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ be with you